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Need help with a script I'm trying to write.


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I'm making a mod that adds thirteen stones that, while in the player's inventory, affect your skills and attributes. I got part of the script to work, however I encountered a problem. I'll give an example of the problem.


The Bull Stone increases your strength by 50 and all your combat skills by 25. If your strength is 50 or below, and your combat skills are 75 or below, then it works just find. When you pick up the stone, your stat is raised, and when you drop it, the stat is lowered. However, if your strength is above 50, or one of your combat skills is above 75, then we run into problems. It will only go up to 100. My character's strength was 83, and his blunt weapon was 90. With the Bull Stone, they should have changed to 133 and 115, respectively. They only changed up to 100, and when I dropped the stone, they went all the way back down to 50 or 75.


I tried running a script that runs ten other scripts, but I think this is too much, because not only did it not work, but it also crashed my computer. Instead of player->modbluntweapon 25, I put startscript skillupblunt. I have a bunch of those scripts (skillupblunt, skillupendurance, skillupheavy), and what they do is check for every single level you could have one of these skills. If, for example, your blunt weapon is 75 or below, then I does player->modbluntweapon 25. If it's not, then it takes every single level it could be above 75 and asks if you meet the criteria. So, it would go all the way up to 100, and if your blunt weapon was 100, it would do player->setbluntweapon 125. As I said, this is much too much, so if anyone could help me with this, I'd really appreciate it. Sorry for going on and on, I tend to do that when I'm tired. I stayed up all night trying to figure this out (no classes today, woo-hoo!).


Oh, and I'm also trying to edit what the stones look like, so if you know of any tutorials, that'd be great. I've been trying to just edit a piece of gold, change it so it has whichever animal on it, and be done with it, but I cannot remember how to do it and I cannot find anything on Google or YouTube (I do, however, get a lot of suggestions to try Minecraft).

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For your mod to work as intended, you need MCP's 'uncap attributes' and 'incap skills' options. Those options allow for attributes and skills to raise beyond 100 naturally.


Saying that, intead of using modattribute functions, you could try spells to raise the stats as it is easy to add and remove, using 'Addspell' and 'removespell' functions. Just make sure you 'spells' are curses, otherwise it might conflict with levelling mods.


If you don't have, get the Morrowind Scripting for dummies. Its really helpful.


As for modelling, since you just need to retexture, you could try nifskope and here a wiki page for retexturing.

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