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Vault-tech moon base.


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I say its about time we get a vault-tec moon base, with views of the earth, only on the moon.


Could populate it and make it a base of operations for future moon mods.


Be kinda cool to sort of make a moon like environment, maybe even have a spaceship dock.

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I say its about time we get a vault-tec moon base, with views of the earth, only on the moon.


Could populate it and make it a base of operations for future moon mods.


Be kinda cool to sort of make a moon like environment, maybe even have a spaceship dock.

I seriously lolled at your idea... I'd totally download this mod! Awesome!

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Before I got MZ, I had a dream about the exact same thing, the only difference was, you got abducted and the escaped the MZ and teleported onto the moonbase that was overrun by alens, and you had to fix it, cause in the final battle, the station got damaged and an corridor xploded, hurling you onto the moon surface. :blink: And your Companions had a spacesuit, cause pressure was low there. even Dogmeat and Rl3 had one.


If this Mod is ever made, Ill download it for sure, but it needs a quest and things to do, like maintenance (repeatable quest), explaining to the surviving Humans in that station(200 Years of beeing cut off from earth) that there was a war, or trying to fight Moonmonkeys (CaptainCosmos Mod ftw)


Sorry for that crazy Idea, but its freaking late where I live and im tired. xD

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Totally possible, I canmake this for you, however, I won't be able to show you the moon as there is no mesh or texture for it, if someone can make it great, but otherwise, no.


I can make it look over the earth though.


Possibility of being done (without Moon request), 8/10


(With Moon request), 6/10

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