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Custom Race


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Sorry, I know there must be a lot of these. I've looked through them and they've helped a lot but I still have some questions.


I used the FaceGen program to create me and I used a program I found here to transfer him to the player character. It didn't look right though, but I was happy enough to play for a while. But now, I wanted to go a bit further.


I downloaded the GECK and opened it. Then I screamed and closed it after I saw how complicated it looked. (Okay, bad joke, I realize.) Anyway, I opened it and was taking a look. I wanted to copy the Caucasian race but I had no idea how to do that. So I screwed around a bit until I figured it out. Okay, so I made a whole copy of the Caucasian race but what now? I found the Face tab and I changed the texture around and I found how I could change the face. I exported the FaceGen file into obj, imported into 3DS max 9 and exported it again as an nif.


That seemed to work for the most part. I see my guy in there now, but instead of the skin texture that I had set up, it looks like the eye texture set to his face. So, there's the model but with an eye texture. That should make more sense. Inside the head is a small hair model, eyes, and the inside of the mouth. So, obviously, I did something wrong. In the data/meshes/characters/head folder, I found the HeadHuman files and the HeadFemale files. But they also have .tri and .egm files of the same name with them. So what do I do? How can I fix this? (It also doesn't help that the GECK crashes a lot. >.>)


Also, after I create this race, how do I set my player character to use the race?


Thank you in advance.

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Well, I'm not sure if I understood everything but I'll give it a try.


You tinkered around in geck on the caucasian copy and changed the texture. Are you sure you have changed the face texture with the right one? Are you sure the texture have the right format? Usually the textures are 512x512 or 1024x1024 if you want it big. Hm, well a screenshot might help here...


What I don't understand is, why did you export it as obj in to 3ds max? What you should know is: the facegen modulators make no changes to the headmesh itself, it modifies it only with the parameters that were previously set inside the .tri file. If you want to make a custom headmesh, you don't need to tinker in geck first, just get the niftools for 3ds max and import from nif. obj is nice but I screw every time I try with that, seems to change the size or something. But why exporting as obj if you can import from nif directly?


The 3ds max importer will mirror the texture upside down, so first thing to do is adding the Unwrap UV-modifier and edit the UV map. Just mirror vertically.


Then you can change the shape slightly, but don't you add any vertices - you would have to make a new .egm and .tri and .egt file for that and as far as I know there is no tool around to do that. Well there is for hair, but it doesn't work for heads, I already tried.

But if you don't add vertices and make not too big changes, you can use the vanilla egm file. Oh, and don't change the neck or it won't fit the body anymore.


When you are done modelling the mesh, export as .nif for fallout 3. Be sure you don't stripify the mesh. Open the vanilla headmesh in nifscope and replace the NiTriShape data. now if the head shows up about a bodylength above the original, you will have to change the translation values; look for the translation (in x-y-z-axis) in the block information of the NiTriShape. See the values? Make a note of them, then flip plus and minus (hope you know what I mean, I don't know what it would be in english), then rightclick the NiTriShape->transform->apply. Might throw up a warning, ignore. The mesh sould be were the feet are now. go to transformation again, type in the values as they were before. Save as myhead.nif.


Copy the humanhead.tri, egm and egt and rename with myhead.tri etc. Now you have to move all of them into the right file, data->meshes->characters->head. So much for the mesh.



Now, apply the texture in nifscope and see if it looks ok. if not, you'll have to adjust the texture. You have to have a normalmap and a _sk.dds (don't exactly know what this is) too with the same name. Assign the texture, save and now open geck again and your custom caucasian-copy-race. Choose myhead.nif as your new headmesh and the texture.


Hope it was understandable, it's too complicated stuff for me to explain with my poor english ^.^°

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