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Pre-War "Flashbacks"


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Pretty much as the title says.

You could perhaps have an item or something you could equip that makes you go around in D.C and the wastelands but it isn't destroyed. You could add NPCs and so wearing pre-war clothes and so, kinda similar to the Tranquillity lane :P. Maybe you could add a quest of some kind, like "Prepare for the war" or something.


It thought it would be kewl cuz I like comparisons and so like, Destroyed, Not Destroyed.


Anyway, creation of this mod would be much appreciated, Thanks in advance.


Peace out, Fnork Banan

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it is possible and it is worth the trouble, and it is a hell of a lot more fun than a boooring wasteland quest or armor or weapon or XXX :D. we could also make it easily if we change it to a simulator, I mean with restricted interface etc.

I could do it myself, I just need to:


*know how to convert some resources from oblivion to Fallout 3. help.

*have some free time.

*a little motivation if possible :D


I must say, this Idea poped up in my head a few days ago as well, what a coincidence... and it's a lovely Idea. more TL YAY!

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