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Pre-War "Flashbacks"


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Ha. This is funny. I had a DREAM about this a couple of days ago.

In my dream, there were a couple of cops sitting in their car, eating donuts and chillaxing, when all of a sudden there was a huge thundering kaboom!

Nobody could tell what it might have been, and eventually everything seemed to be normal again, so everybody got over it. A little while later, though, some frantic people cam running out of an alley, screaming bloody murder for help. The cops rushed over, but couldn't get any sensible info from the people. Then they heard some noise in the alley, and rushed in to investigate. As they looked around, they saw nothing, but heard a peculiar thup-thup-thup noise behind them. They spun around, revolvers at the ready, and freaked out immediately over what they saw.

I didn't see it.

I heard it, though.


EEEeeehh Aaaawhhhhhh!


I could see the sheer panic in the cop's unbelieving eyes as they tried to simultaneously comprehend what they were seeing and shoot it. They were too late. The ferals fell upon them before they ever had a chance.


How did feral ghouls wind up in Prewar DC? Was it connected to that thundering noise? You betcha.


I woke up right after that, but not before figuring out that someone in the future had managed to build a time machine in order to escape the wasteland. Too bad the ghouls found it as well.

I think that this has the makings of one cool mod.

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