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Special Execution Animations


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As a fan of Gears of War, i'd love that if you deal enough damage without killing them, the enemies would get downed and then you could execute in various ways. Ex:


Down an enemy, a menu appears with options like








Quick is Always a curb stomp


Normal depends on the weapon you choose from a menu







Big Gun



Sidearms can depend, most common would be picking them up and poping them in the head, or just pistol whipping them then curb stomping


Rifles can be a one shot execution, or with longer rifles you flip it around and club them with the butt (Longshot Execution)


Big Guns are Commonly just bashing their heads in with the massive size, or with a minigun, you can place thier head between the barrels and rev it up (High RPM decapitation)


Extended is just the Y button execution from Gears (Beating the poo outta them until they die)


If someone is willing to teach me how to make animations, and help with this, that would be great.

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I would LOVE to see this become a reality too!


Maybe weapon-specific executions? Like with magnums, you pick him up, shove the barrel in his/her mouth, and pull the trigger?


Maybe if you have bullets expended out of the cylinder, you can spin the barrel and make him think he's got a chance, then click, click, click, then just knee him in the gut/goodies and curb stomp him?


And for laser/plasma/alien weapons, an execution has a 98% chance of resulting in a critical death regardless of Critical Chance?


And with 10MM pistol/SMG, you pick them up and shoot them in the throat, and a sound plays where they gargle on their own blood through their severed windpipe? With a random chance at decapitation too.


And with Melee weapons such as the Baseball Bat (Blunt) you can smash their head on their ribs in, and with Swords, you cut their arms off then they fall to their knees where you spin-chop their head off ala Anime Sword-Fighting stuff, and with Brass Knuckles, Spiked Knuckles, and completely unarmed, you punch them in the throat and crush their adam's apple or punch their nose into their brain, and with Power Fists you punch them in the throat/head/gut so hard their head pops off/explodes :biggrin:


Yeah, I'm pretty sadistic aren't I? :whistling:

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  • 1 year later...

Looked around for "Pistol Whipping" or "Hitting with Butt" of gun but nothing new,

only this and another post from last year. Didnt want to create a new post for this so thought i'd just ask here..


Is it possible to create animations that run from script (like OBSE allows in Oblivion),

with a key from the keyboard using FOSE to allow pistol whipping?

Has there been a Mod released that does this for Fallout 3?


Only installed yesterday so not familiar with the mods available yet...

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They're a bit off, though. I'm working on them, seeing if I can't make them smoother. Be sure to give saiden kudos for making the anims.


Thanks, would have been awhile till i found that. Had quick test run and does what i wanted.. Kudos for you


Will check out rest of mod and give Saiden kudos later, Much to see :)

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