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EW Patch 2 (Changelist 401776) Analysis


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Played 3 missions with full mimetic squad. Seems, they've been trying to fix "once marked — always marked" issue, when inactive aliens, discovered with ghosted soldier or battle scanner stayed visible forever. Now visibility seems to be reset after player's turn end. But it causes crazy teleporting, as aliens no longer makred as seen and thus allowed to warp around again. Had a very frustrating EXALT mission where I was chasing two teleporting pods around the whole map.


EDIT: Apparently, I'm having this issue with EXALT units only. Other enemies behave as usual.


PS If my assumption is true and they did in fact reset visibility at the end of player's turn, it can be fixed by resetting visibility at the end of aliens turn instead. Will look into this when I have time.


PPS Seems, Firaxis motto for patching XCOM is "fix this, break that". :sad:


Do you tweet @agauntpanda? You and other modders really should. A few tweets were literally the first time Garth and Ananda heard about Keybinding getting broke, and Ananda issued a swift apology and a pledge to fix.

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I don't have twitter. :smile:


I'm serious though. You guys know more about the game than anybody, and you can isolate specific technical issues and express them in ways that will get a dev's ears to prick up. Don't you want them to start thinking about mod tools and unlocking map building and stuff?

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Sorry, I was serious too. I really don't have twitter and don't plan on having one. Nor any other social account, as I dislike those.


I posted long lists of game bugs and issues on 2K forums. But I don't know if they even bothered with reading this.


I honestly don't think that we'll get modding tools some day. Firaxis works with Unreal Editor and only way we can do the same would be to have their source files. And I doubt they will release those.

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Sorry, I was serious too. I really don't have twitter and don't plan on having one. Nor any other social account, as I dislike those.


I posted long lists of game bugs and issues on 2K forums. But I don't know if they even bothered with reading this.


I honestly don't think that we'll get modding tools some day. Firaxis works with Unreal Editor and only way we can do the same would be to have their source files. And I doubt they will release those.


Understood. It's just pretty clear at this point that the 2k Forums channel does not prioritize issues for the Devs effectively.


Every time a major issue gets tweeted to the leads it gets a prompt response. For my part I'll keep lurking here to find out what's really going on and I'll keep trying to make sure that important issues are communicated through whatever channels.

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For my part I'll keep lurking here to find out what's really going on and I'll keep trying to make sure that important issues are communicated through whatever channels.

This will be most appreciated. I don't know if devs will pay attention to forum links on their twitter, but I posted several good examples of EW LOS problems on 2K forums. It's game-breaking. I don't know if devs just unaware of LOS problems, or they don't know how to fix those.
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