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marocb0y - BANNED

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marocb0y banned.

Reason for the ban

Admission of being a pirate.


marocb0y, on 25 Feb 2014 - 9:58 PM, said:
bben46, on 27 Mar 2012 - 11:42 PM, said:

The reason you are not seeing any help is we have no clue what you are doing wrong. It just works for 99% of the users.

We actually need a lot of information to help when it works for nearly everyone else but not for you. We have over 3 million users here now and 5 or 6 having a particular problem is not very many. We cannot come over to your place and fix it for you (I would be happy to for a couple of beers+all travel expenses) All we can do is make suggestions for you to try.

Things like
Are you using a mod manager? Which one?
What operating system?
Where is the game installed?
do you get any error messages?
Do you have a firewall? What is it?
Do you have an antivirus? Ad blocker? Script blocker? What are they?
Where is your mod manager installed?
Is your game patched up to date through Steam? NO other way counts!
Where do you download your games to? What folder?
Did you read the read me to see what the mods require?
Do any of them require a 3rd party program such as SKSE or Script Dragon?
Did you expect a message saying the mod was installed? It doesn't do that.

Is your game legal? - if not, just go away as we not only cannot help, we won't help. and have no sympathy for thieves.


Pirates, we're called pirates.

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