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Immerse Corpses


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The lack of immersion when comes to dead bodies really irritates me, I'd be ecstatic to see a mod that takes corpses through stages of decay, such as minor rot, major, untill they become a skeleton. I'd also like to see corpses take on a burned texture if you throw them into a fire. A way to possibly manipulate the corpses such as putting them in a chair, or hanging them to a wall, or spike or something would be interesting for evil characters. I know their are mods similar to this like Clean up your Corpses, but it doesn't integrate into the world, and lacks some of these features. Let me know what you guys think.

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I dont think that we arę going to see mod like this ever. When you kill npc he dissapears afer time and You want To keep him after a while you would be running out of memory and CTD. And you can mutilate and burn corpses in various ways try Deadly Mutilations mod from Nexus it is nicely integrated with game.
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What do you mean, CUYC doesn´t integrate into the world?

The new versions don´t use menus anymore; you simply need to equip the relevant weapons for corresponding actions and then hit the corpse. Like, the Vanilla Woodcutter´s Axe for impaling, a torch for burning, a body hook for picking up corpses, a hammer for nailing them to a wall,...

I suggest you re-evaluate the mod.

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