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DLC NPCs dissapearing after spawning in console


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Whenever I try to spawn a DLC NPC in with the console (player.placeleveledactoratme) they appears while the game is still paused but when I close the console they just vanish. I am not useing any delay DLC and have not tested every NPC (just American Soldiers and Chinese Soldiers). Also none of the animations for any of the DLC work when I try to groovatron them. Any help?

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They, which is funny, because it's not a They, it's an it, laughing.

It's <------ The digital character <--------Not alive <-------No! We broke immersion <------Back to laughing


It's being placed inside the loaded data, but not linked to the current cell and/or multibound, an it's being done so in a way that bleeps it out automatic because it's not considered part of the scene, because it wasn't added to the game in such way, it was added by command. It's interesting some tin cans are linked to certain cells an the dang thing will cull if it's out of it's current cell, it's similar to a multibound but not exactly set up that way so it's all linked, it's just the scene.


The tin can isn't part of the current scene, same problem with your added character, I would suggest getting in the GECK an learning how these things are actually created, console is for testing an debug, in FNV they wrote it so things would explode in-game if it was exploited, laughing out loud. Sorry for the bad news, just think how mad I was that I couldn't kick a tin can out of it's current cell cause it was linked or part of the RAM that is dumped via 3D assets being culled.


Culled means made invisible, an they do that on a scene, but it's a big fancy machine with many tricks like puppet strings *burp* GECK man, get on the geck, go into pre production first. Draw it out on paper what you want the scene to be. Then GECK, then Create, then test it. Oh happy joy!!!! Oh I started rambling, so so sorry, I stop now.

Edited by KimberJ
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I actually debated for a few seconds to either put "it" or "they" and I decided since I was placing multiple NPCs it would be "they" but my mind is strange. I have done some basic GECK stuff so when I get around to this project I want to make I'll do that. Probaly would be easier any way. I really was just messing around and trying to make a huge US-China dance party. But why don't the animations work? I must I have a mod conflict or something 'cause I rebember them working in my past game.

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Reloading into a scene resolves things like that. When it's built in the scene it's loads. What you are doing is testing what is loaded, hey RAM do this... Don't say you are stupid, laugh at what you were trying to do, which is stupid. Do you want to build upon this game or test it, because your boss isn't going to allow you to work like this in your department.


Excellent now that you don't understand, you won't have noticed that I have drawn my gun an now I just shot you with it. Excellent I'll drink whiskey now. Stupid, really, I think you should go down to your local sheriff office an ask them what stupid is so you can look for it... Just saying you know. Fallout Boy, it's time to be a man or woman, because the kids are protected in Fallout. Heh. So sorry I couldn't help you with your problem, but I had to shoot you so I can't really say sorry. Kill them all an let God sort them out. It's military.


Best of luck,




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