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List Defining: How Do I Do?


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I'm making a perk mod. It'll make certain weapons with high rates of fire knock enemies over,given a percentage. After looking at the closest perk for this,And Stay Back,I notice it draws from a list. I've spent the last hour looking for a way to define a list,which has since become looking for a way to FIND the lists. My logic is that if I can find the Shotgun Surgeon definition list,I'll be laughing,since this is pretty much the final step to making something that functions. Where do I go to find this?

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Miscellaneous > Form List.


To add an object (of any type) to a list, simply open the list and drag the object from the Object Window or Cell View Window.

To remove an object, open the list, highlight the object and press the keyboard Delete.

Edited by jazzisparis
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