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Perception bug


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I recently noticed my Perception stat had dropped to 1. There's the (-) icon in the S.P.E.C.I.A.L tab, but there's no effect decreasing Perception in the effects window. I'm also not wearing or using anything that lowers Perception... I had 7, possibly 8 Per before the bug, and I'm not sure when it happened. Are there any mods known to cause this bug? In any case, how do I get rid of it?


EDIT: Another thing: sometimes my entire vision turns night-vision green and the game adds EXTREME amounts of motion blur when I look around. Resting for two hours resolves this, but I'd still like to know if it's a big and what can be done about it. It's only happened two times so far, outside.


SECOND EDIT: I now know it's got nothing to do with any mods; I disabled them all in FOMM and my Perception was still stuck at 1.

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This has to do with getting a concussion, I'm quite sure. The script bugs out for some reason and taking a stimpack/sleeping only removes the blurred vision/head-ringing but does not actually restore the stat. Using the console to set your perception back to its normal value does the trick, but does not get rid of the minus sign which bugs the hell out of me and thus I've been playing since yesterday with my perception at 1. Getting concussed again then using a stimpack does not fix it either. Hopefully somebody comes up with a real solution.
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This has to do with getting a concussion, I'm quite sure. The script bugs out for some reason and taking a stimpack/sleeping only removes the blurred vision/head-ringing but does not actually restore the stat. Using the console to set your perception back to its normal value does the trick, but does not get rid of the minus sign which bugs the hell out of me and thus I've been playing since yesterday with my perception at 1. Getting concussed again then using a stimpack does not fix it either. Hopefully somebody comes up with a real solution.


How do you do that? I tried modpca Perception # but it didn't work.


EDIT: Nevermind... modpca perception worked, but I had to add 30 points to bring it back to my previous total of 8.

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This has to do with getting a concussion, I'm quite sure. The script bugs out for some reason and taking a stimpack/sleeping only removes the blurred vision/head-ringing but does not actually restore the stat. Using the console to set your perception back to its normal value does the trick, but does not get rid of the minus sign which bugs the hell out of me and thus I've been playing since yesterday with my perception at 1. Getting concussed again then using a stimpack does not fix it either. Hopefully somebody comes up with a real solution.


How do you do that? I tried modpca Perception # but it didn't work.


EDIT: Nevermind... modpca perception worked, but I had to add 30 points to bring it back to my previous total of 8.


Doesn't do anything about the damn minus indicator, though.

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  • 6 months later...

The annoying thing happens , when you got hit by an energy based weapon on the head with a critical (It doesnt have to be a concussion effect), than the game says "your perception is damaged"


I have made a dozen of characters becouse of that annoying thing, all got their perceptions damaged with a headshot from a laser or plasma weapon (another reason to hate enclave :D)


I have searched around and found no solution yet (ın fact I found this thread while searching for a solution as I was intending on making a new character that has a "perception score"). I suggest watch for the notice and reload your game to a previous when that happens, or simply make a melee character with 1 perception (my choice).


I guess that has something to do with energy weapons, possibly some random factor, coded at such weapons critical hits that damages perception, some effect that was intended to be put on the game, than possibly dumped but forgotten, so it still remains there.


Since my modding capabilities with Fallout are extremely limited I cannot come up with a solution, but it would be very good if someone makes a mod to fix that issue.

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