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Dual weaons


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Could someone make a mod that allows the player to select 2 one handed weapons, and use them as dual weapons.


Pros - Double weapons, double damage

Cons - Slower reload, No zooming


Is this possible, if so, Could someone do it?

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He dont like the idea i guess....


The 'NO' was a short sweet answer as this question has been asked 3 times in the last 2 weeks, each time with a new thread. (I was the one two weeks ago!) Theres too many probs, reload, 3rd person view, think the original game code just doesnt allow for dual weapons, or even left handed people.


We all think the idea is great, shame Bethesda didnt think of it or manage it in the first place.

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well, I keep getting a glitch, My character holds the weapon left handed, but you'd have to figure out how it happens.
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