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rocks as weapons


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I'm working on my very firts mod:

The main idea is having a throwable an telekineticable rocks stones an parts of the ruins; a simple way to do this, I think , is creating new weapons and shields using the current 3d models of the rocks . They will be different shapes:

from the smallest will be lithe stones (you can grab them with a hand) , to the largest (so heavy that only magically improved force or the Force can move them).





they are meant to be used with the throw or telekinetic mods like Unnecerart Violence, Supremme Magicka . Making it even more usefull



I've planed three phases:

1) Creating the weapons

2) spells to summon an detect throwable weapons

3) adding those stones to some places in oblivion







modding help?

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The way objects are wielded in either hand does not really look right for anything which does not have a handle of some sort. This would likely be one of the main challenges of making anything like this look right.


As far as the rocks being designed around use by those magic mods, I could see some potential issues there, but cannot suggest anything further since I don't know exactly how those mods accomplish those effects. From what I have seen however, those effects are usually just using the pushactoraway function, which would not be applicable to objects. Additionally, there can be other, rather significant issues involved with scripting and objects that can be stored in inventory.


Before doing anything, I would suggest making a proof of concept that shows that you can actually do what you want to do. You could just use some of the existing clutter, like pots and urns, instead of rocks.

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Unneccessary Violence allows you to throw anything in the game, including the bricks that are found in one of the ruins that are inhabited by thieves.

The throw is the same animation as casting a spell, but the throw is very powerful and the thrown object usually ends up in the bodies inventory.


Throwable rocks are a good idea. Especially if you have a Hobbit!

I wish you well!

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