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Lord Of The Rings Questline for Skyrim


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I'd like to get a team together who can help do a Lord of the rings quest line based off the movie's with full custom voice acting based off the script from the movies as well as the followers and new NPC's, world space,weapons and armors as well as animals and creatures plus races added from the movies. Of course it would have to be a New world space.

Basically you play as a tenth member of the fellowship who Received a letter from Gandalf about Bilbo's birthday party in the shire and it goes from there to Bree and all the way up to The crowning of Aragorn. I know this mod would be a huge job but I'm hoping we can get a team together to work on it I can help with NPC's and followers but not the custom voiced one's.

If you would like to work on it please let me know and we can get started,even if you just see this and like the idea spread the word about it. If you have any questions or other ideas let me know. ~Taylord125~

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