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sword making


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hello all

im working on making a sword, and want to use this topic to update with picutres and accept comments/advice


im not using a tutorial anymore, i only use it to find what keys do what


so this is it so far.

its kinda sloppy, but i like it

its the pommel and start of the handel so far



try that

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I see it now. The adblocker in my Outpost firewall was blocking it for some reason (it's crazy really, keeps blocking ads from sites which I've set to allow :ohmy: ).

Looks good! :thumbsup:

Though I suggest that you try to use fewer vertices on the handle and use the Set Smooth button to make it appear smoother butwith less vertices and faces.

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I see it now. The adblocker in my Outpost firewall was blocking it for some reason (it's crazy really, keeps blocking ads from sites which I've set to allow :ohmy: ).

Looks good! :thumbsup:

Though I suggest that you try to use fewer vertices on the handle and use the Set Smooth button to make it appear smoother butwith less vertices and faces.

:blink: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?

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Sorry, I'm not good at explaining things :sweat:


What I mean is that when modeling in Blender, you can create meshes with less vertices (the yellow/purple dots you know) but then click the Set Smooth button (which is located at the bottom to the left in your image) to make them appear as if they had more vertices.

Maybe it's easier to understand what Im rambling about with a image :P




Good luck with your sword! :)

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