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Change Inventory / Background Screens From Transparent To Solid Color


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I have been trying to determine how to change the background color of the barter and inventory screens from the default transparent to a solid black color. I have Googled, searched various forums and looked for existing mods but haven't found anything yet. I have also searched the XML files but didn't see anything obvious. I am moderately experienced with the GECK and modding. Any assistance would be appreciated.




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Extract globals.xml from Fallout - Misc.bsa into ..\Data\Menus (unless it's already there).

Open it with a text editor (such as Windows' Notepad) and increase the value of _background_fill_alpha (max 255).

Note that this will likely effect other menus, not just barter/inventory.

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That makes sense but it doesn't seem to have any effect on anything that I saw in limited testing. I changed it a few times. By default _background_fill_alpha is set to 32. I tried 255, 128, 0 and 1 but I don't see any difference. I see where it's called by several other *menu.xml files. Could there be a switch or other setting that overrides this? I also was thinking to try extracting and editing solid_black.dds to see if that made a difference.


Thanks for your help.


- Drywater (dryh2o)

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