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Issue with Fullscreen LevelUp mod


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I just started a new game using this mod, one of its features is to be able to get out of the level up screen without actually selecting any perks or raising skills, problem is that I acidentally got out of the level up screen and forgot to do that(raise skills), is it possible to get back to that menu or do I have to wait until I level up again ? And, I don't know if only the modder would know this or not, but if I choose to wait until I select my perks, say until level 4(I'm 2 now), do I lose the right to select more perks(in this case would be 3) or does the game impose that you can only select one perk at a time, meaning I would simply lose 2 perk selections. Same question for the skill points, if I have to wait until the next level, will I lose those points ?
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