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A mod to reset quests


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I like the anchorage sim so if someone is read consider this why not ethier make(in differant location) a repeatable carbon copy of the orginal with a few tweaks and extras (like a fail safe terminal exit like in tranquility lane except Lib prime is the one to destory the Chinese base and when g chase stops talking the same exit door from tl is you get out and also some new item and the "keep the item glitch" should be preserved) or make a terminal in the megaton house or 10 penny tower should be able to reset quests and events. Any who is really good at using the geck should consider making my idea a reality for I don't even know how to use the geck.if you do make a (repeatable)carbon copy of anchorage use the same type of pod at the out cast outpost and make the pod close each time you get up and exit. Anyone who knows anyone good with the geck please show/tell them my idea thanks for reading
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