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A mortar


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What i REALLY want to do in fallout is have a mortar launcher. Now, the fatman does just that, but ammo is so scarce, its completely out of the question to use it other than last resort, which makes sense because it is so powerful. I want a mortar that is less powerful, but has the same projectile arc effect, and that has ammo that is way easier to find, to the point where you can buy about 10 mortar shells for about 100 caps, or maybe 150 caps, or just be as expensive as frag grenades (that would be best) Because, if you think about it in terms of realism, the only difference between the two is fins, and the launcher, and a mortar launcher really isn't a high tech thing, its just a tube with aimers based on angle. BUT, for the sake of gameplay, it should be fired out of a shoulder launched thing like the fat man.


(now the heavy incinerator in fallout 3 could do this too, but it is WAY underpowered)







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Im sure it would be very very easy to mod this but not in any realistic fashion. For it to be an actual weapon the player would be holding it and aiming up in the air for the arc. Obviously a real mortar woulc be places on the floor and aimed upwards, working the angle manually, possibly using smoke bombs for tracing and mortar ammo for killing. So the only way I can see would be an outpost or fort or similar could have semi-fixed mortars as part of its defence. A limited swivel on the Z and Y axis to aim. But that would be hard as far as I know...


Sorry, that was pretty much no help at all!

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Those mortars are VERY long range, and fallout just INSISTS to remove projectiles after a certain range. And if you think of the fat man, it throws mini nukes are much heavier than frag grenades and with the mini nuke arc and glide projectile physics (and we arent really thinking much about complete realism in this post apocolyptic future old style world :P). All i want is a fat man launcher that isnt complete rape and that has a plausable ammo type. And it would be even better if you retained the fat man sounds and stuff, they sound wicked when shooting explosives of any kind. *WHOOMF....SHHK..CHUNK..ding..SHHK..............BOOM*
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well here is a thought.. create a wpn ie take the fatman launcher mod it dmg spec n such create a new projectile base it off it original ammo change things as u see fit n dont forget to customize the effects n put em into the vendor inventories.. not to difficult but if u have any probs post again n ill try to talk u through it
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sry but this might seem rather convoluted but ill try to explain; u have to go into the cell of where the vendor take Moira Brown for instance, there are containers in there the u'd see and her sell able items r in there.. i think she has like 2 different ones just put the items in there and she should sell em... though keep in mind that items are drawn up randomly.. ive not done that w/ FO3 but i did that in TESIV and it worked i believe as for her in particular the names are something like VendorContainerMoiraBrownREF for any other vendors ud have to look through where they r located.. ill play around w/ it myself.. normally these comtainers r invisible so ud have to talk to her to see if it is in there... let me know if this helps out
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