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Beast Animations for Character


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Hey all,

I'm kinda new, therefore I feel bad coming right in and asking for something right out of the gate :(

But I was wondering if anyone had any way to make animations for a player character that would be beast-

themed, I.E when sneaking your character would move on all fours, like an wolf prowling. I realize shooting would be a problem here with all limbs on the ground, but I figure when you stop moving you would push yourself back up to two legs (Still in sneak mode). Or, when you fire or right-click to aim, you would push yourself up.


Anyway, I know that's really random, but It would be ridiculously awesome combined with a character with Cannibal and a deathclaw gauntlet or something.

If anyone could do this, or could help me in the right direction to doing this myself, I would really appreciate it! :D


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