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[Request] Wasteland Squad Companion's


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Haven't you ever strolled the wasteland (Whether good, neutral, or evil) and felt a little alone? sure having a dog along with a supermutant, ex-raider, ghoul, robot, slave, ect companion but feel like your not doing anything but relying on them? Well i have. While you are supposed to rely on your companions for survival they are just too overpowered. while a behemoth would 2 hit me RL-3 would get beat around like a tennis ball (ive seen it happen) on the very hard difficulty and only lose 10% health after 10 minutes. and after emptying clip after clip you only get little to no experience only because you didn't do the most damage or get the last hit. that's too overpowered (and a disappointment). or when Talon company/The Regulators show up, your companion takes 1 while the others fire at you dropping your health like a pile driver, wheres the even ground there?


Well I've contemplated this for a long time and thought that if they have groups of 4 why shouldn't you? almost everywhere you look there isn't a single npc wandering the wasteland alone. so i was wondering if someone could make a companion mod adding a group of 3 Merc's infront of the vault all with levels corresponding to the player. They request the player to join them and they set out for the town of megaton, from there on they follow the player.


another way the player could encounter the groups is the 4 members of the squad are in a firefight with raiders and 1 member of the squad gets killed, after the player helps them kill the raiders they ask to accompany you to megaton to tend to their wounds. after entering megaton the offer to join the players journey to find his/her father and from then on they follow the player.




when one goes unconscious (in place of death) the player can interact with the fallen ally giving 3 Stimpacks to resurrect him/her. if the player doesnt do so within a time span the npc dies. when the player reaches a certain level the squad askes for a day to upgrade their weapons and armor. they come back within a day with a better combat armor type and finishing Reilly's Ranger's would unlock the Ranger combat armor for the players companions. being the final armor the companions use seeing as its the best combat armor in game.



the companions should not make the player inferior in battle but should also be able to hold their own.


Could someone make a mod for this? if any ideas are needed i can help with that. im good with coming up with ideas but im not good at making mods.

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