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Disconnect Mr. House without killing him


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A mod that adds an option to the computer in the Lucky 38 control room (Mr. House's stasis chamber) to disable the cerebral interface without opening his stasis pod or killing him.


Personally, I see no real reason why you can't disconnect him without opening his pod.

Edited by echris56
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  • 1 year later...

I second this request. It wouldn't even require re-writing the "wild card" ending. I could even do a genuine pacifist run for once, without feeling bad about installing an immortal dictator.

Perhaps a Medicine or Science check to give the guy some antibiotics? :P

EDIT: Terribly sorry for the necro, forgot to check the date.

Edited by zxczxczbfg
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The OP is old, over a year, but it probably wouldn't be too difficult. There should be a result script with a playgroup firing off the animation, that can be deleted/commented out. It will probably have some edited dialog text and a resulting missing audio/ogg for that text. I'll try to take a peek at it and see. Do you, zxczxczbfg, have a save before the disconnect that you can use to test for a mod if I put it together?
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