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OBSE togheter with steam (win 8.1)


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Ive Oblivion GOTY delux (Steam) and I do wonder if there is a way to enable OBSE (v0021) with an better solution than the trick of using the 2009 version of OBSE_Loader.exe? Why I wonder is because sometimes OBSE stops to work (and the mods connected with it).

Here is what Ive done to get my OBSE to work:




Here is how you get OBSE working legitimately:

1) Make sure you have received the latest update, we just updated on Steam about 30 minutes ago to make our binary more compatible with OBSE. Restart Steam if you are unsure and you should get updated. If you've replaced your binary with some non-Steam version you'll want to make sure it updates and you are on the new Steam shipped version.
2) Install OBSE into your steamapps\common\oblivion directory as you normally would
2) Get this file: http://media.steampowered.com/content/obse_loader.zip, and extract the obse_loader.exe over the top of the one from the standard OBSE install in your oblivion folder.
3) Run obse_loader.exe and everything should now work (you'll get passed through the loader first, just hit play).
I've contacted the OBSE guys so we can hopefully get our revisions to obse_loader added into the official OBSE package. Until then if you would like the source for the changes for obse_loader to compile yourself email me at jmccaskey at valvesoftware.com.
Well, what more can I say? Cheers!


Ive patched the game to and Ive tried to enable OBSE without the trick with a heavily modded Oblivion as well as with an fresh install and the game dosent seem to find OBSE.



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