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How to add a Night-Vision script to a helmet?


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I know that there are a lot of excellent Night Vision mods (I am already using the Gopher’s Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision which is awesomely easy to use), but I want to do my own mod for study and fun, especially having in mind that it must be the simplest as possible (a minimalistic mod).


I have this script working, no quest, no gear, only Night Vision at player demands (as well as VATS).

scn ARTNightVisionScript
;Handles the toggle of Night Vision
;This version uses Energy Cells as power -> AmmoSmallEnergyCell

short sActive
short sEffect
float fTimer
short sKeyPressed
short sJustActivated

Begin GameMode
	if (IsKeyPressed 23 != sKeyPressed) ;If the key 'i' is pressed and released
		set sKeyPressed to IsKeyPressed 258

		if (sKeyPressed)
			;Do Nothing
			if (sActive == 0)
				if player.getItemCount AmmoSmallEnergyCell > 0
					player.removeItem AmmoSmallEnergyCell 1 1
					set sJustActivated to 1
					set sActive to 1
					ShowMessage ARTNightVisionNoECMsg
				set sActive to 0

	;Adds Night Vision effect if the Night Vision is on
	if (sActive) && (sEffect == 0)
		iMod ARTNightVisionISFX
		playsound ITMPistolUp
		set fTimer to 0
		set sEffect to 1

	if (sEffect)

		if (fTimer >= 10);
			if  sJustActivated
				set sJustActivated to 0
				player.removeItem AmmoSmallEnergyCell 1 1
			set fTimer to 0
			set fTimer to fTimer + GetSecondsPassed

		;Turn off Night Vision if player is out of AmmoSmallEnergyCell
		if (player.getItemCount AmmoSmallEnergyCell <= 0) && (sJustActivated == 0)
			set sActive to 0
			ShowMessage ARTNightVisionNoECMsg

		;Turn it off if when the variable say so
		if (sActive == 0)
			riMod ARTNightVisionISFX
			playsound ITMPistolDown
			set sEffect to 0

This script is perfect and I only want to add it to a helmet, as I’ve done with this Water Breathing script (but with Night Vision isn’t so easy)

scn WaterbreathingScript
begin OnEquip Player
	player.setav waterbreathing 1
begin OnUnequip Player
	player.setav waterbreathing 0

What is the simplest (minimalistic) way to attach the script to a piece of gear?

Edited by Antartic
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I would imagine the most minimal approach you could possibly use would be to attach the following script to a helmet or sunglasses or whatever.

scn YourNVGScript

Begin OnEquip
	imod YourNightVisionISFX

Begin OnUnEquip
	rimod YourNightVisionISFX
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Yes, is more or less the way I wanted but with that script Night Vision will be active every time I wear that helmet and don't consumes Energy Cells.


What I want is keep using the first script posted, but only when I wear a helmet, (not freely and with no gear, like VATS, as I'm using right now).


Anyway thank you, I searched the imod command in the GECK page and it will be useful to other things in my gear.

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