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Looking for someone who can use nifscope.


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Im a 3D artist and designer, I am currently learing and experimenting in GECK and have rapidly found my imagination exceeds the ammount of objects in the GECK. I can easily model items for the game, but I dont do Normal mapping, rolled out textures and for some reason Nifscope doesnt like my PC (or vice versa). The detail in my models usually comes from the surface details, parts etc, each item just using a standard tilable texture. Check out my online portfolio for examples of my work...




At the moment I am looking for someone who will make me a very simple item in Nifscope, a basic square (regular floor piece sized) using a solid colour, mapped so the square belels towards to sides, like a tile. Just in a high-gloss black and the same again in a white. No texture, just plain and glossy, like highly polished plastic.


In the future I will be looking for someone who likes my models enough to be willing to do the Niffing, texturing etc. I have a few items ready to be modelled on a list, most are simple in terms of texturing.


To convince you my modelling skills are up to scratch, heres an example of something I modelled for a game...




And a sample of product design...




Thanks all.

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