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Wasteland Nursery


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I would like to request a mod that adds a "Special" kind of brothel to the wasteland.


Instead of hiring someone strictly for a sexual encounter (Though you can with these ones, permitting you liking bondage/humiliation/diaper play), you hire a "Mommy" or "Daddy" (Depending on your preferences), who, for the span of a few hours, would role-play with your Player-Character, allowing your PC to regress and forget the stresses of the wasteland for a while to just enjoy the love of a parent/parents again.


Some benefits to hiring a parent/parents and role-playing would be an extended well-rested exp bonus, a temporary "Calmed Nerves" perk which would reduce weapon sway and increase accuracy, a Charisma bonus due to being calmed down and relaxed, and bonuses to Speech, barter, lockpick, and science due to the endorphins released during your relaxation in the nursery aiding in steady hands and level-headedness.


Also adding applicable paraphernalia would be ideal (Adult Diapers, baby-bottles, tins of powdered formula, etc.), as that would reduce the costs of the nursery rental for providing your own stuff, and you can purchase things from the nursery should you want to save money and "Pamper" yourself, giving similar, but lower-powered bonuses to your character.


Also, making the "Diaper Packs" similar to the "Openable Cigarettes" in Better Living through Chems mod where you open the pack and get 12/20 Diapers (Depending on if it's a small pack or large pack), and a Large Case contains 10 Large Packs, a Case contains 12 Packs. (The diapers would be wearable items that give 0 DR and cannot be worn with armor/clothes, and wearing in public would give a temporary perk which would do the opposite of the prior mentioned "Calmed Nerves" perk, but instead would boost strength, endurance, and luck, and give boosts to Melee and Unarmed due to the adrenaline pumping through your body. (Robots would not count as people seeing you to give you the temporary "Jittery as Hell" perk, so the PC could pamper himself in his Megaton or Tenpenny home without fear (Robots don't judge)).


I know this is a very abstract request, but it would be greatly appreciated from the bottom of my heart.


Thank you.

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Naw, I'll have them set to essential with 9999 HP and 90% Damage Resistance and equipped with instagib pistols, so the only karmic redemption you'll get is a reset to your last save.


Not to mention 100% Fire, Rad, and Poison resists too.


In other words, get out of here troll. Before the mods get here.

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I'm not trolling. I am honestly interested in this mod, I would love to go to a place like this. However, my character is THE LAW, so I would be there for business, not pleasure.


And never fear, your attempts to safeguard the lives of your nursery staff cannot stand up against the might of THE BEST. I'd stroll in. "Would you like me to change your diaper, young man?" Punch punch punch. Paul Bunyan up in here!

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What business would THE LAW have there? There's nothing illegal about private fantasies used purely to relax and unwind.


Besides, if you're only "Interested" in this mod to kill/maim/assault the NPCs, then it's fairly obvious you're only trolling this thread.


Leave your bigotry at the door. I don't know why I get this crap from people no matter where I bring myself, but it's unacceptable. Is it really going to hurt you to leave me and my interests alone and stop wasting your time insulting me and my interests? I don't go after you for anything, hell, I would never do such things when someone's personal tastes in what you do to relax is involved, unless it's actively hurting someone.


You don't know me, you don't know why such a large community enjoys the things I have requested for this mod, and you definitely don't know how hurt I am at your bashing and trolling.


Please, leave me be, and get out of this thread if you've nothing nice or constructive to say.


Like I said, this is a mod request for a niche-audience mod. If this isn't your thing, pass it by without a second glance. I definitely would troll a request for one of the big Nude Mods you may enjoy, and I certainly won't insult you for being a straight and somewhat intelligent person. I actually like how you take the time to actually type your responses up rather than be a classic illiterate cave-troll. At least you have SOME class.

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Fine, maybe I won't download this mod if it comes to be.


But let it be known that you have insulted me greatly by attaching the "some" before "class". I have so much class that one day people will look back on my writings as people now look back on glorious top hats, as a beacon of what a proper man should be.

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