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OBSE Help. Equip poison


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Im new to scripting with OBSE and I cannot get the desired effect im trying to achive.

My scripting skills are still novice I look at other code and useualy figure out what Im doing from there. This has worked for me so far have made bows that have infinite arrows made items apply enchants with 0 cost spells for infanite spell enchanted weapons and so fourth. And I done this befor Some famous mods doing same appears on TESnexus."btw Thank you for doing what i did but better" I also made a few funnie Misc items gimmie spells for kicks and mod my current skill lvls.


I made a Sidekick SkeletalHero constant effect Misc item. Lame but was fun for a wile.

I altered the Script and made a Archer Skeleton later on.


Well Heres my Problem Im trying to set poison to a weapon but I canot get the line of Code to work

Im trying to make a Spell Apply a Poison to a weapon Basicaly I am tired of opening a menu to do that. I know there are nice mods out there to do simaliar functions But I like my own style mods. And I have looked through a few for lines of code.


The script from obse's website is this


(oldPoison:ref) reference.SetEquippedWeaponPoison nuPoison:ref


oldpoison from best I can guess is a already applied posion. But I dont have one applied.

I found this on a website


set oldPoison to player.SetEquippedWeaponPoison PotionDamageAttrAgilityS

if (player.GetEquippedWeaponPoison != PotionDamageAttrAgilityS || oldPoison != 0)

PrintToConsole "SetEquippedWeaponPoison failed!"

So I have Played around with set oldpoison to 0


Set oldPoison = Mypoison2

(oldPoison:ref) reference.SetEquippedWeaponPoison MyPoison:ref



Set oldPoison player.SetEquippedWeaponPoison Mypoison

(oldPoison:ref) reference.SetEquippedWeaponPoison MyPoison:ref



player.SetEquippedWeaponPoison MyPoison:ref


None are working for me


Scriptname fire1


begin onActivate


player.SetEquippedWeaponPoison Firepoison:ref






Any Insight to what I am doing wrong would be very helpful

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