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armor faction mod


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not sure if this was actually requested... im looking for a mod or help creating one to make it when u wear certain armors ie talon armor that u are seen as talon company... so talon company veiws u as one of them but so does all other factions.. so wastlanders open fire on u outcast brotherhood.. plz let me know if there is one or if someone can help me design a script game keeps crashing everytime i load a new area while wearing the mod.. here's what i have basically copy paste from ghoul mask script n changed feral ghoul info to talon company... im working on raider/talon/enclave armors



scn TalonCompanyArmor


short doOnce


;puts the player into the Talon Company so they don't attack him


Begin OnEquip Player

if doOnce == 0

;this clears the crime flag incase the player has gotten into combat with Talon Company before

;So if a player attacks a talon company, even while wearing the mask they will fight him, but if he drops out of combat, and wears the armor, they will again not be hostile until he attacks them again


ClearFactionPlayerEnemyFlag TalonCompany


set doOnce to 1




setAlly playerFaction TalonCompany 1 1 ;FRIEND



Begin OnUnEquip Player

setEnemy playerFaction TalonCompany ;ENEMY


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