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A Good Hairday vs FACE


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really, there isn't much of a difference


A Good Hairday, the one I made, includes the NPC changes and only includes Yoshi's eyepack, and no others, Orfev's pack includes a few other eye options mine doesn't.


I was origionaly planning on useing FACE for the base of my mod, but opted to make my own, because at that point in time FACE included all of Rivens and Narutos eyes and stuff, as well as haveing changes to the base race, and not including Ashara's hair.


But since that everything has been changed, and if I hadn't already done my mod and was makeing it today, I would have just used FACE and added the NPC changes ontop of that.



But really, they work the same, I just added the NPC changes if you like, if not, you might as well go for FACE, makes no difference to me.





I really haven't had time to update A Good Hairday, since I started on my new mod, so if Orfev continues to update then his would probly be the better bet

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