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Suikoden Style Recruitement? Maybe?


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Perhaps a mod where the player recruits multiple people into a central base would be nice. Certain people would improve the base's look, security, services, and size. Also maybe have a secondary story in which another government attacks the capital wasteland and you and your base must fend them off. Plus other Fallout goodies such as raider attacks, ghoul attacks, etc. It would be similar to RTS however having a static location for the base would make it load a little easier.
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Suikoden 3 was an awesome game


I already have a centralized town in the works, but I'm not really sure how I would go about recruiting the people to the town or whatever...


But I do like the idea, and I will see if anything comes out of it, but it seems like it could be a cool addition to the mod im already working on



I am already working on haveing different upgrades and such for the town, from deffense to repaired homes and shops and stuff like that.




I can pm you the info on my mod if you are interested,

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Unfortionatly, With my schedule for the next few months. I will have no time to work on it.


Also, I thought it would be cool to be able to set the base anywhere, but also be able to use current buildings as part of your follower's shelter. Like kill a resident and use their home to house like 8 followers.


I just wanted to get my Fallout 3 idea out there.

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