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Hello, is there a way to set all the imperials to wear bow or sword and shield, and all stormcloaks to use bows or two handed weapons?
I always thought at the legion to be roman styled, an organized military force, and the stormcloaks to be northern brutes, which rely on brute force more than on military organization. Imho this will make the game more immersive and balanced (so that the imperials won't get two hit-killed by stormcloaks, since all of them now have shields)

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It would be interesting if they had distinct fighting styles. Imperials could also get Legion Battlemages helping them out, seeing as they don't have the same disdain for magic as the Stormcloaks. And perhaps balance out the Legion Battlemages by giving the Stormcloaks a few heavily armored berserkers. Just an idea.


it shouldn't be very hard to make. I'm just not very into Skyrim now or I'd make it. :/

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