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Masque of Clavicus Vile for Argonians? (Sketch Included)


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Like a few others I've seen on this forum, I find it annoying how a lot of headgear in-game doesn't conform to the unique head shapes of beast races, especially masks. When Argonains wear masks, their poor lil snouts are squished flat!


There are a couple mods that sort of do the job, making masks and helmets more "open", though I have yet to find a decent mod that makes dragon priest masks or the Masque of Clavicus Vile conform to Argonian anatomy. In the meantime, I've drawn a sketch of what the Masque of Clavicus Vile would look like if it were made with the lizard folk in mind:




Any modelers out there are free to use this as reference. Hope this inspires you!

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well the reason clvicus vile's helmet would't make sense to fit into the shape of a beast race's head is that the helmet has the ability to make any head magically fit into it, because A) its a very powerful daedric helmet and B ) people who are argonian and khajiit have worn the mask before without it changing just for them

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True, but at the same time, the Daedric princes themselves don't really have a single form; just one that they prefer to manifest in more often than others. Ergo, their respective artifacts could very well take many forms (Volendrung in Skyrim looks totally different from it's appearance in Morrowind and Oblivion) Besides, a lot of other helmets, like the Iron Helmet, change forms to fit beast races and they don't have any innate mystical properties.


Plus, while that would make sense, it's not outright stated in-game so I wouldn't consider it canon. It just seems like a lazy hand-wave to justify not having to make extra models.

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