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Walk Speed


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Is there a way to bump up my characters walking speed...I have to keep tapping the shift button to keep up, its pain on quests where you have follow an NPC..."told to follow, spying on". I dont want to change the run speed, the graphics can be a killer when running through the forest to fast, I only want to raise the walking speed to keep up with the other NPC's.



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I know that running speed gets faster and faster as your character becomes more powerful and his SPEED and perhaps ATHLETICS stats increase. You can change those stats with magic items and spells. You could use console commands to cheat and make your character faster without earning the right to be faster.


But all this is beside the point, because I do not know if a character with high SPEED walks faster than a character with low SPEED. I just know about running. You might try it though. You might try raising your SPEED stat to see if it makes you keep pace with the NPC's. But that would mean you would have to walk through the forest. (You will have the same problem when your character reaches a high level.)

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