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Fat Guy


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fatties in fallout 3 would be impossible because all the foods are divided into rations and if you go in any rooms theres not even enough food to last a week and when you fight to survive every day in your life even if u were fat you would lose all your weight . im sure you wuld poo your own body weight if you saw a real super mutant the only way to be fat is if there was an island untouched by natural disaster with an abundance of food so having fatties is bull sheit


someone in Eulogy Jones' position could be fat

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:thumbsup: In another way StSinnet is damn right, I always looked for that sort of mod in Oblivion too...


I mean c'mon almost every human has the same length and width, not to mention that they're all well fed, including the wasteland guys who beg for clean water, these beggars should definatly be skinny...

The tall people can wear every sort of clothing, as I found out with Charon, I dunno about width, but I think skinny could be able to wear every clothing too, because most of the time, clothing hides your skinny'ness, at the moment you take off the clothes, THEN you see how skinny they really are.


Ohh and with "take off the clothes" I ment ingame, just wanna make sure no one understand it... ...Different ;D






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:thumbsup: In another way StSinnet is damn right, I always looked for that sort of mod in Oblivion too...


I mean c'mon almost every human has the same length and width, not to mention that they're all well fed, including the wasteland guys who beg for clean water, these beggars should definatly be skinny...

The tall people can wear every sort of clothing, as I found out with Charon, I dunno about width, but I think skinny could be able to wear every clothing too, because most of the time, clothing hides your skinny'ness, at the moment you take off the clothes, THEN you see how skinny they really are.







The mesh is not changed on taller or shorter people, the scale of the entire character is changed.


So really, they are the exact same porportions and everything, just bigger...




The way your character looks in an outfit is determined by that outfit, so if a fat character put on a vault suit they would be shaped exactly like that vault suit.




The fact is, in a game like Fallout, the thing that determines the width and porportions and everything for the person is the outfit they are wearing, changeing the body type underneath the outfit does nothing.


There are only two sets of outfits for the game, male and female, so there are only two possible body types for the game, unless you want everyone to run around naked...




The clothing DOES NOT go over the body mesh, it REPLACES the body mesh






The only way I have found to have a different body type in the game is to have the outfit locked on the character so that they can not trade outfits with other people and the player character can not kill them and loot their outfit

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