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Scene 5 (Sitting ducks)


(The scene opens with Sam walking through the crowded mall. He sees a group of soldiers and confronts them.)


Sam: Excuse me, but I need to ask something.


Soldier2: Yeah the bathrooms are down the hall to the left.


Sam: That’s not what I needed to know.


Soldier2: Well what do you need to know?


Sam: Have you seen this girl? (He pulls out the necklace, opens it, and shows him the picture.)


Soldier2: No I haven’t. Look I’m kind of busy so you think you could get out of here.


Sam: Whatever. (Sam walks off and starts to ask other people the same question.)


(The camera stays focused on the group of soldiers.)


Searge: Real smooth I can tell you’re great with kid’s private.


Soldier2: Whatever.


Corp. Clayton: Can we get back to our evacuation plans sir?


Sarge: Yeah. Even if we could get a good evacuation plan going these people would go crazy if those things showed up.


Clayton: Which is why we need reinforcements, so if it does happen we can fend them off.

Soldier2: Hell even if we had reinforcements there is no way we could stop these things. I mean have you seen how technologically advanced they are.


Sarge: I think they are machines we built for a military super weapon.


Soldier2: Like the Terminator.


Clayton: Yeah because we definitely would invent something that comes from space and kills us.


Sarge: Whoever said they were from space?


Clayton: I don’t know it just seems like its more logical than a military weapon.


Soldier2: Oh yeah because everyone knows aliens are real. (He says sarcastically)


Clayton: Shut the *ban me* up okay. Excuse me Sarge, but if those things attack we and everyone else in this piece of poo mall are sitting ducks waiting to be slaughtered, so if I were you Sarge I would call for reinforcements.


Sarge: Okay. Your right. I’ll go talk to the General.


Clayton: Thank you sir.


(The scene now goes to Jessie, Tony, and Kid1 all getting inside of the mall. They see a bunch of people standing in lines at booths to find out where there beds are. All 3 of them get into the nearest line. They eventually get to the front.)


Soldier3: Are you all together?


Tony: Yes.


Soldier3: Okay here’s your number. (He hands them a tag.) You’ll all be staying in Bass Pro Shops until the end of this crisis.


Tony: Thank you sir.


Soldier3: If you follow the red tape it should lead you straight to your store. When you get there tell the officer at the front you are all together, hand him your numbers, and follow the escorter to you beds. Understood.


Tony: Yes sir. (He turns around to Jessie and Kid1) Lets go guys.


(They start to follow the red tape. As they are walking Sam bumps into Kid1)


Sam: Sorry, but have you seen this girl? (He holds up the necklace)

Kid1: Yeah she’s right there.


Sam: Jessie, Tony… is that you? (They both turn around. Jessie hugs Sam.)


Jessie: I’m so glad your okay!


Sam: I’m glad you guys are okay also. Which store did you guys get put in?


Tony: Bass Pro shops.


Sam: That’s good, cause I’m only a little away from their. They put me in Radio shack.


Jessie: I’m pretty sure if you come with us you can stay in Pro Shops with us.


Sam: Maybe.


(As they start to walk to Bass Pro Shops the emergency alarm goes off. People begin to panic. Kid1 runs off as fast as he can. Once he runs off a pod bigger than the others falls in front of Sam again. It begins to open. As it opens about 5 military soldiers surround it. It opens and the soldiers begin to shoot. They keep shooting until all of them have to reload. After they stop shooting there is a ton of smoke surrounding the pod. Sam, Tony and Jessie all walk closer to see what happened. Once they can see the pod the creature falls out.)


Tony: All right yawl wasted that sunuvabitch.


Sarge: Get those kids back! (Clayton turns around and starts getting the kids back. As he does this Sam turns back around to look at the creature. When he does this he sees it begin to move again.)


Sam: LOOK OUT! (As he says this it quickly gets up, picks up the Sarge and rips him in half. The other soldiers including Clayton turn around and start shooting it. As its being shot it just keeps getting closer to them. Its hand quickly turns into a gun and shoots the other 2 soldiers. It picks up Clayton by the neck above its head. Out of the gun comes a long knife. As it is coming out Clayton pulls out his knife and stabs it in the head. It lets go of him and kicks him into a wall. It then takes the knife out of its head and throws it into Claytons left leg which pins his leg to the wall. After that Tony gets up and picks up a chair and hits it with it. The thing turns around picks up Tony and stabs him in the shoulder. Then it throws him through a glass door. Sam then gets up grabs a fire extinguisher and sprays it in the face. Then he turns it around with the metal end and begins to hit it in the face as hard as he can. As he’s doing this it trips over a dead body. Sam continues to hit it. It then puts its arms up to cover its face. When it does this Sam hits the knife and knocks it off. It then kicks Sam in the gut. Sam falls to the ground holding his stomach. It then kicks Sam again and puts its foot on Sam’s face. It starts to try to crush his head. Jessie then sees the knife picks it up and jumps on its back. She then starts wildly stabbing into its back. It reaches over grabs her and throws her into Clayton. Sam gets up and punches it in the face. Then it punches Sam in the shoulder and dislocates it. Jessie then grabs Claytons gun and starts to shoot at it. She accidentally cocks the grenade launcher and shoots a grenade. It blows the creature in half. Then she runs up to upper half and starts shooting it. Once she is out of ammo she begins to stomp on its head. Soon Tony grabs Jessie)


Tony: Its dead okay Jessie you got it.


Jessie: No its not its not dead yet, its not.


Tony: Yes it is, just calm down.


(Sam leans up against the wall holding his shoulder.)


Tony: Look I’m gonna go see if that guy is okay I need you to stay calm and help Sam okay. JESSIE! Okay!


Jessie: Okay, okay… I can do that.


(Tony and Jessie both get up to see if Clayton and Sam are okay. Tony goes to Clayton and Jessie goes to Sam.)


Tony: You okay?


Clayton: Yeah, it’s just… I need you to get this knife outta my leg, and tie up the wound. You think you can do that?


Tony: Uh… Yeah I think I can. (He reaches down and yanks out the knife, as he does this Clayton grabs his arm and squeezes) OWW! Man you gotta grip!


Clayton: Sorry. I got bandages in my bag get’em out and rap up my leg.


(The camera then focuses on Sam and Jessie.)


Jessie: You okay?


Sam: Yeah but I think I broke my shoulder.


(Jessie feels his shoulder.)




Jessie: Don’t be a baby it’s just dislocated.


Sam: How do you know?


Jessie: My mom was a nurse remember?


Sam: Oh right. Can you pop it back in place?


Jessie: Yeah, but it will hurt.


Sam: Just do it.


(Jessie reaches down and pops it back into place.)




Jessie: There feel better?


(As she says that more pods start falling inside the mall.)


Clayton: We gotta move. NOW!


(Sam and Jessie start to run over to Tony and Clayton. As the pods keep falling they run to the emergency exit and get out of the mall.)


Hope you like it!

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