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Ammo Usage redo


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You know how in fallout there are just massive amount of ammo you gain in your inventory i dont think it makes sense

i could carry around 100000 .44 rounds and nothing changed


what i would like this mod to do (if anyone could make it) it to add exppended clips as an item. now using a work bench an some tools you could use your ammo to fill expended clips. each gun would have its own type of clip and each clip could be filled with certain ammo


then you could only carry certain amount of clips not to encumberance but only have a certain amount of bullets and clips on your person

thats the main idea for this mod i have a limited knowlage of the g.e.c.k. and scripting and i cant find any were to learn it from either but for example


the 5.56 ammo would go into two differant clips chinese AR clip and the normal AR clip then the clip would be usedto fill the guns ammo campacity


it would be great if someone could make this any questions are gladly answered

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