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Why am I getting bad specularity ?


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Hi, I've been porting a new gun into fallout, and noticed the specularity on it is just way off.

I've baked normals with smoothgroups, and since fallout doesn't support smooth groups I've seperated them before importing. (by splitting the actual geometry around smoothgroups)


Nevertheless the specuality is pretty wack, look in the screenshots below.

Is it just fallout's specularity engine or am I doing something wrong ?



Clean Specularity in 3dsmax / other engines



Wack Specularity Ingame



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darken the alpha channel in your normal maps or lower the materials glossiness in nifskope. or both.


I did that on purpose to emphasise the effect, which is how the specularity looks anisotropic as opposed to unifrom specularity you'd get on a phong material for example.

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Have you messed with the normal map's alpha channel?


The alpha of the normal map is the spec map.


What I do is open my normal map in CrazyBump and set up the specularity and then paste it into the alpha channel of the normal map using Photoshop.


Btw, nice gun :thumbsup:

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It might have something to do with the smoothing or the mesh.


You could try in nifskope resetting the face normals. Right click on the NiTriStripsData and go to mesh -> Face Normals

That sometimes corrects some lighting issues.


Also you can check weather or not the mesh has vertex colours (if export vertex colours is enabled it will sometimes mess things up)


Other than that I have no idea.

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It might have something to do with the smoothing or the mesh.


You could try in nifskope resetting the face normals. Right click on the NiTriStripsData and go to mesh -> Face Normals

That sometimes corrects some lighting issues.


Also you can check weather or not the mesh has vertex colours (if export vertex colours is enabled it will sometimes mess things up)


Other than that I have no idea.


You my friend, are a genius.

Problem solved, guess the normals didn't export properly - thanks a lot you save the day :)



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