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Why am I getting bad specularity ?


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what is the gun from?


also, sometimes the normals can get totally borked and the only way to fix is to 'Update Tangent Space' (done in nifskope via right click menu on the mesh bit)


Remember however that 'set normals to face' causes any rounded elements to look faceted, since its basically blowing away the smoothing groups.


Niftools exporter does some really bad operations to meshes, in addition to wrecking smoothing groups it also detaches every triangle on the mesh, breaking all the vertexes apart, no matter how much you play with it, even with vertex welding in the xport window, it still does the 'break apart' step, then it welds. Its broken, i posted at Niftools forums with the problem but nobody replied to the thread in 3 months

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The Plasma Pistol is released, for anyone who's interested - http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8873



what is the gun from?


also, sometimes the normals can get totally borked and the only way to fix is to 'Update Tangent Space' (done in nifskope via right click menu on the mesh bit)


Remember however that 'set normals to face' causes any rounded elements to look faceted, since its basically blowing away the smoothing groups.


Niftools exporter does some really bad operations to meshes, in addition to wrecking smoothing groups it also detaches every triangle on the mesh, breaking all the vertexes apart, no matter how much you play with it, even with vertex welding in the xport window, it still does the 'break apart' step, then it welds. Its broken, i posted at Niftools forums with the problem but nobody replied to the thread in 3 months


I made that gun from scratch.

Ya the smoothing groups are wack, I just split them in the geometry before exporting to nifskope (selecting each smoothing group and detaching the face), I think it loaded pretty well after using "set normals to face" and I can't see any seam errors.


Nice art on your portfolio btw :)

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