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Bards college sells songs?


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There's a popular mod out there that lets you become a bard and earn a meager wage from the inn you perform at.


I was hoping somebody could take that a step further and have the Bard's College in Solitude become an actual Bard's COLLEGE.


They would actually sell musical instruments and sheet music. Reading the sheet music acts in a functional equivlanet to using a spell tome; the sheet is consumed and the player now knows how to perform the song. Casting the ensuing lesser power with the correct musical instrument in their inventory will cause the player to play that song, provided they have the "Become a Bard" mod installed.


The sheet music would of course have to specify which musical instrument you need. For example, the sheet music for Ragnar the Red would have the following description:


"Allows you to play Ragnar the Red. Requires flute in your inventory."


Or for the Age of Oppression/Aggression,

"Allows you to play the Age of Aggression or Age of Oppression, depending on hold alliance. Requires lute in your inventory."


You can also pay the teachers there to train you in your use of any particular musical instrument. You pay the correct teacher some money, and you get a hidden perk that causes your proficiency with that musical instrument to increase by 20%, which will improve the wages you get for performing when using said instrument, and you can do that five times per instrument. This will turn it into an actual COLLEGE, complete with tuition and training, instead of just a place you go to get sellsword quests (seriously, why doesn't the College just hire the companions?).


Any takers?

Edited by stebbinsd
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The different voice types can sing only 2 or 3 songs I think. They don't have a singing voice recorded for the other songs, so what you want would require the original singers to record the other songs, otherwise they will a different singing voice each time. The player also doesn't even have a speaking voice.

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