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CatsPaw & Vault 69


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just wondering if any of you mad moders could help me - I have an idea for an adult type of Mod, mixing elements from other Mods on the forumn. not sure how much detail to put on this board, or should I see if anyone can help first.


to be honest I suck with teh Geck so while I have the idea, I lack the expertise to do it. My Humor is adult and twisted but should fit right in.


need help all the way accross the board, someone intrested ?

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I'll sign on as Mapper, tell me what it entails and ill tell ya what i can do


Need 4 sections:


Main Entrance & reactor

Actors Studios

Production Room (large open room with catwalk above and crossing in center)

Overseers office

Science/Medical/Technical wing


they can all be one big map, or seperated into sections. as for layout - pretty much you call - but when all said and done, there are going to be mirlurks and ghouls in there.


thanks - step one of my insane idea is started - please label it Vault 69, and if you want to furnish it - make the vault clean, but all the beds dirty/actors rooms dirty... if you want I can type up and send you a outline of this.

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I'll sign on as Mapper, tell me what it entails and ill tell ya what i can do


Need 4 sections:


Main Entrance & reactor

Actors Studios

Production Room (large open room with catwalk above and crossing in center)

Overseers office

Science/Medical/Technical wing


they can all be one big map, or seperated into sections. as for layout - pretty much you call - but when all said and done, there are going to be mirlurks and ghouls in there.


thanks - step one of my insane idea is started - please label it Vault 69, and if you want to furnish it - make the vault clean, but all the beds dirty/actors rooms dirty... if you want I can type up and send you a outline of this.


If your plan is to have the vault inhabited by ghouls and mirelurks to start with, and then 'cleaned up' by the player, you can do two copies of the map (one with the rusted vault texture, one with the clean vault texture) with different setups, and have a script on the door check the quest status and point to a different zone. Or - that's how I'd do it.

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I'll sign on as Mapper, tell me what it entails and ill tell ya what i can do


Need 4 sections:


Main Entrance & reactor

Actors Studios

Production Room (large open room with catwalk above and crossing in center)

Overseers office

Science/Medical/Technical wing


they can all be one big map, or seperated into sections. as for layout - pretty much you call - but when all said and done, there are going to be mirlurks and ghouls in there.


thanks - step one of my insane idea is started - please label it Vault 69, and if you want to furnish it - make the vault clean, but all the beds dirty/actors rooms dirty... if you want I can type up and send you a outline of this.


If your plan is to have the vault inhabited by ghouls and mirelurks to start with, and then 'cleaned up' by the player, you can do two copies of the map (one with the rusted vault texture, one with the clean vault texture) with different setups, and have a script on the door check the quest status and point to a different zone. Or - that's how I'd do it.


Had not considered leaving it cleaned out - was more of a look, laugh, (think I was insane) and leave type thing - so if the lurks come back after a few days, - no biggie.


trying to see if I can figure out the animations, not writting new ones, just using ones already out there - but its like a caveman with an m16 .....

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