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Adoptable Children 3-rd try....


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well. i´ll try this a third time , i´ve had to think this trough. so this is my request(s)!


1. A Child in Vault 101 who is in danger of being killed by the overseers officer because Jonas was that childs father!! Then the Player would have to take that child along when the player leaves the wault or !


2. Do something to Maggie in megatown that changes Billy Creel from a nice caretaker into exactly what the player reads from Colin Moriartys computer, a ice-cold murderer who acts nice in front of Lucas Simms and the rest of megatown, after Billy dies the player can (a) either adopt maggie or (b) try to locate suitable parents.


3.have an adoptable option for the boy in grayditch or bumble in little lampligt



the pc´s father should also have a comment about being a grandfather



Is this possible???


(i will not try this myself because the geck makes absolutely no sense to me)

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1. its megaton

2. kids never die and what would they do? use a fatman to blow up a deathclaw?

3. none of them would meet the players dad becasue most of here have completed the game


i would like the squire from the bos to be on my team, because he shot serah lyons

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Quetzlsacatanango, who is pretty much doing all of the dialogue for my mod, said it wouldn't be hard at all to pull off.


I am already planning ahead to allow a kid to live in my player house.


It is just one of the last things that we are going to work on before finishing the mod, so you are going to have to wait a while, unless you can find someone else to do it, or you would like to join our little team.




We are already working on allowing the player character to find a girlfreind and settle down in the town, adding a kid isn't much of a strech at all.


We just have to finish makeing 8 new interior spaces, 8 new exterior meshes and textures with varrying forms of damage, and 22 npcs with fully interactive dialogue.




The only problem is voice acting... it might be a little hard to get Liam Neeson to add another line for your father to say... so I would need to find someone who can fake his voice






But anyways, (for my mod at least) it would probly be better to have a new npc child enstead of useing one already in the game, perferably someone from my town or something.


if you want to help, and not use the GECK, you could simply type out a backstory and dialogue in word pad




If you can think of a good story, please share.


If you want me to send you the latest info on my mod, just tell me and I will send you a PM (it is not quite ready for me to put up my new topic yet)

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Quetzlsacatanango, who is pretty much doing all of the dialogue for my mod, said it wouldn't be hard at all to pull off.


I am already planning ahead to allow a kid to live in my player house.


It is just one of the last things that we are going to work on before finishing the mod, so you are going to have to wait a while, unless you can find someone else to do it, or you would like to join our little team.




We are already working on allowing the player character to find a girlfreind and settle down in the town, adding a kid isn't much of a strech at all.


We just have to finish makeing 8 new interior spaces, 8 new exterior meshes and textures with varrying forms of damage, and 22 npcs with fully interactive dialogue.




The only problem is voice acting... it might be a little hard to get Liam Neeson to add another line for your father to say... so I would need to find someone who can fake his voice






But anyways, (for my mod at least) it would probly be better to have a new npc child enstead of useing one already in the game, perferably someone from my town or something.


if you want to help, and not use the GECK, you could simply type out a backstory and dialogue in word pad




If you can think of a good story, please share.


If you want me to send you the latest info on my mod, just tell me and I will send you a PM (it is not quite ready for me to put up my new topic yet)

oh its enough to read the line. :thumbsup: as for a story :confused: let me think about that? sure have an idea but im not sure if you like that. but then again it´s modifyable,so it doesn´t nor do i expect it to come up the way i wrote it :thanks:

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This is an interesting mod. I would totally download this. :happy:


well, you will probly get you chance... but not soon though...


I am including this with my larger "Dynamic and Growing Town" mod, which won't be released for a while now


but when it does get released, not only will you have a kid, but a new house and new outfits for you and the kid, and a wife or girlfreind if you choose (or boyfreind if you want)

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