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Adoptable Children 3-rd try....


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Lol, going out into the world and killing people, while simultaneously raising a family, why does this sound so familiar?




I do think that it's a great idea, though, and when your mod comes out Tony, I will most likely be downloading it, as well as the mod requested in this thread, if and when it comes out.


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Lol, going out into the world and killing people, while simultaneously raising a family, why does this sound so familiar?




I do think that it's a great idea, though, and when your mod comes out Tony, I will most likely be downloading it, as well as the mod requested in this thread, if and when it comes out.



My stuff I am working on is very much based on games like Fable and Mass Effect


as well as Suikoden and Harvest Moon and even a bit from Grand Theft Auto 4




I just don't think an open work / sandbox type game is really complete without haveing a family to protect




plus, I just wanted to try something different, other than spending my time makeing more guns and more quests and people to shoot with those guns...


don't get me wrong, I like shooting people in the face as much as the next guy, but that is already out there in every single game you play. I just wanted to do something a bit different.



It origionally started out when I was jokeing around about combineing Harvest Moon and Fallout

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Did u Read the pm TTW? was it helpfull??


ya, I got the PM


I will see what I can do when I get the time




there is one big upside to haveing the child be part of my bigger overall mod, the fact that my other NPCs will have dialogue that aknowledges your child and the stuff your child does




got any ideas for names?

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Did u Read the pm TTW? was it helpfull??


ya, I got the PM


I will see what I can do when I get the time




there is one big upside to haveing the child be part of my bigger overall mod, the fact that my other NPCs will have dialogue that aknowledges your child and the stuff your child does




got any ideas for names?

Well For Boys Alexander. Simon, Dexter ,Tony (skip the wookie :whistling: ) and girls , Lexie.Kristen,Marlena,Taylor.

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