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Railway Rifle full body pin.


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Alright this has been bashing on my brain for the past days now. I love my Revolver, Swords, and custom made weapons. Specially the Shocksword and Shishkebab. But sometimes I just feel the need to use the Railway Rifle every now and again. However there are 2 things I like and dislike about the weapon.


I like it because of it's pin system.


I dislike it because of it's pin system.


What I mean is pinning a head to a wall is all fine and fun. Specially if you shoot some Raider's head into a wall while he was talking with someone whilst that someone is just thinking "What the hell just happened?". Though I always thought that being able to pin a whole body to a wall would be even more hilarious. Killing a Raider then throwing his body upwards and pinning him to a ceiling would have me laughing for quite a while. Or better yet have two versions of a mod like this. One where the Railway Rifle doesn't rip off limbs, but it pins the whole body to a surface BY that limb if its hit. And the second one could be if an enemy is hit in the chest as a final blow, his whole body will be pinned however limb hits will only pin limbs to the surfaces, ripping it off the body.


Now, I'm no modder, so I wouldn't know if a mod like this would be possible. But if it's possible I would love to see it. I want to pin some Raiders to my megaton home's side.

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I think this is a great idea! I wish someone could code it :P


maybe a huge rail-shotgun which would shoot 5 spikes in just one shot and immediately pin a human's or ghoul's head/legs/arms to the wall at the same time, from one shot, while the torso would just fall down limbless and headless hahaha

would make for a nicer decoration than the raiders have in their cribs :D


but anyway, just a normal body pin as ZMZMZM asked should be fine :P

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When I built the Railway Rifle, I thought it was just like any other weapon, till I pinned an ant's head to a wall :)

But this would be awesome in the VATS.



p.s. None of these dismemberment things work on my Fo3, some glitch :(

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