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MMO's Can't Have Mods Can They


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Dark One in his introduction toi this UI only TESO "Mod" site made this commonly made assertion which may seem strange when announcing a Modding site for an MMO but then that's not what is actually true there are many mods for online games and many of them for MMO's.

Indeed this was a common argument on TESO Forums over on Bethesda that Mods (Except UI) Mods would allow cheats to cheat, total rubbish sas cheats will cheat using every means at they're disposal and often claim it's not cheating because it's allowed indeed. So why do these MMO players get up in arms about other types of cheating through Modding and not UI cheating mods. Simply because one is there method of cheating the other is not.


Now TESO have gone for a type of UI as ins in Skyrim which to a MMO player is what we would call iHUD (Immersive HUD), Ironic that iHUD's creator Gopher when playing Live on YouTube considered the UI cluttered and requiring an iHUD, if he bothers to play it I'm sure he'll soon have one up and running.

To get back to them it's Naked already and all the talk is about MiniMaps, DPS Meters, Opponents Ability Meters, you name it they want it, All the tools to tell what to press when and how often, instant enemy set-up analysis to point out weak points, all typical MMO's UI modding stuff that turn most TES fans off MMO's entirely.

Before I get the usual I play both replies, I'll Clarify my terms:

Starting with this is limited to TES and MMO's

  • TES Fan = Only plays TES
  • MMO Fan = Only plays MMO's
  • Fan of Both = Plays TES and MMO's

Yet MMO players have come to accept this cheating because it's allowed, yes and it's still cheating, anything that modifies the base game and gives an advantage to the user is cheating, When it's permitted to continue all must use it or lose out, an arms race then develops with every improvement forced on all who wish to play PvP. The game developers then must create PvE to keep up, thus making it impossible to play without the cheats.


So does this prove that you can't have modding even UI modding in MMO's. No just that cheaters will use any means available to cheat and if allowed to do so, they will ruin everybodies gameplay and argue it's allowed so not cheating whenever they can.


When games like Minecraft, Day-Z, ARMA and others are given as online modding examples, but they're not MMO's they have ##PpS (People per Server) . So the MMO's are unlimited numbers on 1 megaserver are they, well no not exactly.

TESO will have first MegaServer though, well no not exactly.

Yes, they said so, I read it. They did say it and I did read it, but since then PS4 is separated, X-Box 1 is Separated. That must be Microsoft and Sony not letting them Join the MegaServer. Next, Europe and US Servers that I know, with probably one in Asia. not quite so Mega as they made out then.

However still probably biggest ever. My point is onine is online numbers on server do not an MMO make.


Further, EverQuest is unarguably a MMO and with EverQuest Next Landmark a Online MMO / Creation Kit they use to make the ir new MMO EverQuest Next and already released to Modders before the game is released this is a world modding kit not UI only.

Star Citizen, Crowd funded to $40 Million and rising, a Space Simulator with both Sinle Player Game and Persistant Universe Online is PC exclusive CryEngine Game so not only modding but Crysis Graphics as well another thing Game Publishers say we can't have.


So stop repeating publishers myths and start demanding games for your PC, times have changed, new consoles are no longer the best kit you can get, they are not even 2nd best. Whatever is inside, is limited by power even if they had 2 Titans inside with only 300W of power maximum with Titans sucking about 1200W they will never match the PC again. Add Ocullus Rift VR needing even more power than ever (Steam backing that as well). Why consoles want to be Media Centers and Microsofts jump to Tablet bandwagon when to late.

PC gaming is going to get huge again, with Crowd Funding you have the power to make it happen, whatever the Publishers and Consoles say.


So yes any game can be modded as much as possible, cheating is not a reason to not mod, low graphics are not for more players, (Settings are for that). All these excuses are to give you a poor quality product while charging top quality prices.


TESO isn't for me it's an MMO, but don't try to argue only this bit or that bit can be modded because of cheating, only the MMO mindset is restrictive, as such TES Online I may have played but calling it that when it's TES MMO doesn't change anything.

It is purely and Only an MMO. It's that MMO mindset for MMO and both players enjoy it while you can. TES only players don't play MMO's being TES is not enough to make them play this unmodded, and you can't (Meaning MMO players won't allow) mod MMO's but who wants to.

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  • 2 months later...

i for one could care less about HUD MODS, i could careless about any mod if it helps you get better, and eventually lose the mod itself great. if its just a fun mod as some would call it. myself i call those kind of mods re skins, nudity, sex. that kind of mod is the kind i don't approve of.

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