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Help bring a D&D enspired race mod to life.


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I am no real animator but I have fooled around with some models and super simple textures just to give people a super basic idea of what It could be like... Here are two of my models.

The BugBear: Cousin of the Hobgoblin and Goblin, the bugbear remains questionably the craftiest, however not the most intelligent. They like to be stealthy and set ambushes using the strength and size to overwhelm unsuspecting adventurers.

- " A bugbear is depicted as a massive humanoid distantly related to goblins and hobgoblins. Named for the bugbear of legends."

(To be replaced with a skin texture armour is a place holder.)

I would love to see someone with the required knowledge to take interest in such a mod concept, I will gladly provide any poor models and files I have created to help polish and publish some D&D themed races.

Edited by warstone316
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Here is the second model to preview, Not the best quality as I mentioned I am working with what I have and know. Which is very little.. :P

THE GNOLL: Feral Hyena like humanoids that live in nomadic ways, pillaging and taking whatever that please.

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