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Baseball shooting machine


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I have been thinking for a while and havent found a way to use the basebal bat in its normal purpouse-hitting baseballs.Its just that your character can bearly throw and there isnt any special physics/animations for objects getting hit by the baseball bat.So what I though of was a machine that shoots baseballs that you can try to hit and maybe some increased physics for the ball geting hit.

It would be awesome to have a prtable baseball launching machine whenever you want a little fun!


I realy hope someone would pick up this idea since I pelive the mod will become very popular.

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There already is a machine that shoots baseballs, but it's a trap.

But you've got a point, it would make a good mod, and it would be lore because "President Eden" often talks about the nation's passtime sport "Baseball".

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I do remember the damn time when I was at raven rock makin my way to the cocky PC (I know its' the president =P) and I had to go under the floor.Thats when I encountered the damn flamethrower traps.Plus-just about an hour ago I started discovering the "adventorous" part of me toward this game and Im quite sure that I will soon find quite a few interesting things...
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The Vault Wiki has an entry on the Pitching Machine along with other traps.



As for items... you could make baseballs as a sort of grenade that doesn't explode and causes a little damage when you hit someone with it. Or make a gun that uses baseballs as ammo (could just load a Rock-it launcher with baseballs, could have comical results if raiders playing 'baseball' start killing eachother during the game or the pitcher starts firing teddy bears and ashtrays at the batter).


Or maybe make a special bat that gets a decent bonus for hitting baseballs out of the air, and a baseball glove that if you guard with it you can snag baseballs that are targeting you and put it in your inventory.

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sounds pretty cool, I like the "Raider's playing baseball" idea, looks like Raiders are more patriotic then Nathan :D
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