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Eden Colony: Life on an Island in an Undead World


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For those of you who played a part in Zombie Attack this RP picks up the other end of the story, those that stayed behind when Anton and the others wnt to D.C. to help Tyler. For those of you new, WELCOME! Zombie Attack was an rp about an outbreak of Solanum or the Zombie Disease the survivors met a soldier by the name of Tyler who was tasked with rendezvousing with his bottalion at the Capitol Building in D.C. we paradropped him over the city and then went to a small island called Eden Cay off the coast of Nicaragua. A staticy transmission came in over the plane's radio that Tyler needed help, some went back to help others stayed behind to ensure that they would have a home to come back to. We are those that stayed behind.


Zombies are "accurate" to The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks




1) No god modding, this is 2014 not 2150! this is also an issolated island 15 miles off the mainland you can't have a tank or something paramilitary unless you have a reasonable explantion for it.

2) You can get the disease and you can die from it. There is no cure, so if you're fighting zombies don't get bit (that's how the disease is transferred)

3) You may have as many characters as you like throughout the rp but only two alive or involved in the story at one time (this is to allow people who succumb to the disease to continue in the rp)

4)Zombies can only be destroyed by destroying the brain.

5)Zombies lack the dexterity to climb almost anything and can't use weapons, only the "first weapon" or body.

6) No controlling other players' characters without their concent.

7) No excessive vulgarity (some cussing is allowed as long as it is in instances where it is reasonable)

8) No descriptions of sex, there may be implications, but no more, this isn't a cyber sex rp for Pete's Sake!










SKILLS: (make it reasonable no one knows everything.)




NAME: Zephyr

APPEARANCE: 6'4", fairly short dark hair, grey eyes, torn black underarmor shirt and sweatshirt, torn synthetic olive green pants that zip off at the knee to become shorts.

AGE: 22


WEAPONS: Titanium crowbar (tool taken from automechanic garage), Beretta (personal firearm before outbreak), M1 Carbine (taken from high end weapons shop in California), Sawed-off Twelve Gauge shotgun (taken from house in california).

SKILLS: Wilderness Survival, Knots and lashings, blades, proficient with pistol after taking classes at local shooting rang eprior to outbreak.

BACKSTORY: Zephyr interned at a Biomedical Engineering lab in California before the outbreak to a doctor who studied the virus after capturing a zombie when there was a minor outbreak in a small town in California. The doc knew how the virus was spread and had begun creating a vaccine for Solanum when the outbreak started, it began in New York, the military tried to stop it but all their fancy gadgetry was useless because they didn't know how to destroy the undead and wouldn't listen when the doctor who emplyed Zeph tried to tell them, it was a slaughter and from there it began popping up everywhere, small towns, big cities. Zephyr didn't know it at the time but all of America was infected when he met Anton and some other survivors and from there it's history...

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If it's a new character go ahead and make the sheet and whenever Zombie Attack concludes/everyone returns to the island then you can reintroduce the old one and keep the new one.
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Character Sheet.





Name:[/b][/u] Angela

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Hair: Long Wavily Blond

Eye Color: Dark Sea Blue

Other: Tan, and seem athletic








Shot gun


Clothes: Old army uniform, army boots




Makeshift First Aid, Urban Survivor (Dumpster Driving, pickpocket, how to keep warm, Stick to the shadows, etc.), Lockpicking, Basic Construction, Making Fire, Basic Cooking, Fishing, Basic Botany


Back story:

One of the original arrivals. She current assist Zephery in construction and maintenance of the island's defense, and survivor. (See Zombie attack) Angela grew up in religiousness community where women are slaves, and abused constant. She escape from the compound at aged 13 after killing her father who was abusing me. She arrived at the city with no education nor training except sex. She lived on the street and not trusting anyone. For while she lived as a hooker and drug addict until finally kick the habit. After kicking the drug addiction she took revenge on her ,pip who using her a Cherry Bride, by killing him. She took the money and anything valuable off the corpse of the pip. Then Angela wander to place to place, steal, pickpocket, mug the perverts. Then Angela was pick up by police and put in a cell. Then the zombies happen.

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