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Eden Colony: Life in an Undead World


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OFF: Pulls out diffibulator "BREATH DAMN YOU RP!" sorry I was gone so long. and zombies are incapable of swimming (I'm using the 'humerous writing' book "Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks as the zombie reference for the rp) and this island was picked specifically because it's in a remote location where the probability of zombies wandering the ocean floor somehow making it to the only beach is unlikely, other humans out for loot and plunder is a bigger worry than zombies.


Zeph saw the new arrivals walking into camp and hailed them, "Angela who have you brought back to our little paradise?" he said half sincerely half sarcastically.

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"I would be Zeph, I assume Angela has mentioned me? We've got fire, which means we have a way to purify water, so we can drink, which is a start. It looks like Angela brought back a few fish so we have food, we've got a cave for shelter too, would you two be interested in joining our little camp? We could always use more man power," Zeph said cordially, "And for Pete's Sake man stop pointing that gun at my face, you're going to need me and Angela if you have any hope of staying alive." he added with a little more fire in his eyes. Zeph had known hardship and knew could handle himself very well, this was his element, he had been forced to fight zombies to survive, but now it was back to his old adolescent skills of woodslore and wilderness survival, he was more at home on a rock than on a couch.
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