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Recommendations Please!


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Hey guys,


I have installed many mods, mostly from the top 100 page on the tesnexus site. I love mods and feel I am running out. :wallbash: I would be so greatful if some of you could recommend some good mods that arent as common. I know there are still so many amazing mods out there, but they are so hard to find without sorting. :unsure: Any posts are welcome, referrals to good mod lists would be great for me too. I hope this thread will help not just myself but many others too. :thanks:

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Been a while since I've had to use this.....



Let's answer a question with questions shall we?


Have you played Oblivion already?

What sort of things interest you?

What type of Character do you usually play? (good/evil, theif/mage, roleplayer/random-no-story-hack-and-slasher?)

Are there specific types of mods you think would interest you? (Quests, graphic mods, gameplay mods, overhauls, etc.)


If you don't tell us these things you're just another of the 100,000 "mods? mods? mods?" topics....



List of lists:

Tesnexus catagories

The Oblivion quest list*

Personal opinions:

Search the word mentioned here


*Because quests are my personal favorite.

Without some details on what you like or what you want that's all you're going to get...
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Yeah, your absolutely right. Sorry this is my first post. :biggrin: I alternate between playing good/evil so mods for either are fine. I love roleplaying too. Umm I am playing as the lord of seaview castle right now (RPing). I use heavy armor, prefer swords over blunt. I use magic too, so I guess I'm somewhat a paladin... Yeah, I think thats it. I want some cool armor / weapons / new shops / houses / companions. I am over 18 so adult mods are fine. And yeah I have played probably over 200something hours of oblivion.


I dont know how to copy/paste the mods I have, I have alot, 80% from top 100 page.




Thanks so much! :D

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Well let's see:


Roleplay list



ORE is a good place for house mods. Though do you want a quest for the house or just automatically buy/get it?


Armor and weapons you usually have to search for. The Apachii goddess store, or heroes store are good. Lost paladins of the divines adds some nice paladin armor/weapons.


Not sure about new shops. Tamriel Travellers adds a lot of travelling merchants to the world.


Companions: check here. Also CM partners and Companion share and recruit


As for magic mods, check this topic.


Can't really help you too much with personal opinions since I mostly play quest mods and intriguing gameplay changes/additions.


Oh, and to copy/paste your load order you need Wrye bash or OBlivion Mod Manager.

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Awesome thank you so much! :biggrin:


I will look in all of those places and check out apach hero store. (have the goddess one :thumbsup: )


Thanks again soooooo much for your time and research! :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:


Kudos to you! :D


Edit: What are some of your favorite quest mods?

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Some good tough quests without being too complicated are "Werewolves: Legends of the North" and "Dragon Invasion ll". There is also "Frostcrag Reborn" altho I'm sure you have already done that. There is also "Heart of the Dead" and "Gates to Asgaard" altho I had some problems with them (lower end system) albeit they are beautifully done. A good mod list is "BallofFire's Mod List". (google it).
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Edit: What are some of your favorite quest mods?
Well that depends, there are plenty of great quests, but personally I'm not into the whole hack and slash, dungeon crawl, boss fight, pretty scenes, and what not. So some great mods like "Lost Spires", and such aren't in my favorites, while others absolutely love them.


My favorite quests are:

Integration (my most favorite)

Malevolent, Runied tail, Tears of the fiend


The Blackwood company

Dremora Companion

Servant of the Dawn

Imperial Legion Faction



Oh and is there a mod that you know of that makes it so you have to eat / sleep / take a bath / use the bathroom and stuff? (Hardcore RP)
Delte's Immersion list should cover most of those

There's also this bathing mod.

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If you don't like those Saaaaaaveee thee woooooorrllldd quests,try the delivery job mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8520 and to add action into it,try this http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...tail&id=169 it drastically makes animals appear more often,to keep you from getting bored and level up :P
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Interestingly none of the quest mods I mentioned were "Save the world!" mods ;D ... Though admittedly one of them is a "destroy the world!" mod.As for the animal mod wouldn't it be better to just use a more recent and more updated mod like MMM?
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